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Pennsylvania Home Education Law References |
To read about the PA Home Education law, see the law and the code on this page. I have many other pages about details of the law. To read about the PA Private Tutor option, see the law and the code on this page, plus my private tutor page. At the PDE's site, you can also read the PDE's Home Education and Private Tutoring pages, as well as the most recent PDE Home Ed Basic Education Circulars (BECs). Here also is most of the relevant law (on a non-PDE site) - you want "Title 24 P.S. Education, then Chapter 1 Public School Code of 1949, then Article XII Pupils and Attendance. ON THIS PAGE:24 PS 1-102 Definitions - Dates of the school year (July 1-June 30). 24 PS 1-111 Background checks of prospective employees; conviction of employees of certain offenses - List of offenses referred to in a home education affidavit. 24 P.S. § 2-202. Classification of School Districts - 24 PS § 5-511. School athletics, publications, and organizations - Reference for the extracurricular participation clause in the home education law. 24 PS 13-1303a Immunization required; penalty - Law regarding immunizations and exemptions. See also the PA Code (below). 24 PS 13-1304 Admission of beginners - 24 PS 13-1327 Compulsory school attendance - 24 PS 13-1327.1 Home education program - 24 PS § 13-1332. Reports of enrollments; attendance and withdrawals; public and private schools EXCUSALS FROM PUBLIC SCHOOL ATTENDANCE: 22 Pa Code 11.31 Pupils not enrolled in public schools due to private tutoring - 22 Pa. Code § 11.31a. Students not enrolled in public schools due to participation in a home education program. - 22 Pa code 11.13. Compulsory school age. - Misc. PA Code: 022 Pa. Code 4.72. Credentials other than the high school diploma. -
SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES: Sec. 1401 Definitions More Medical References: § 23.4. Vision screening tests. § 23.5. Hearing screening tests. § 23.6. Threshold hearing tests. § 23.7. Height and weight measurements. § 23.45. Objections to examination on religious grounds. § 23.83. Immunization requirements. § 23.84. Exemption from immunization.
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24 PS 1-102 DefinitionsWhen used in this act the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) "Board of school directors" shall include the board of public education in school districts of the first class, except where specifically limited to school districts of other classes. (2) "School district" shall include school districts of all classes, except where specifically limited to districts of a particular class or classes. (3) "School term" shall mean the period of time elapsing between the opening of the public schools in the fall of one year and the closing of the public schools in the spring of the following year. (4) "School year" shall mean the period of time elapsing in school districts of the first class between the first day of January and the thirty-first day of December of any year, and in school districts of all other classes between the first day of July of one year and the thirtieth day of June of the following year. School districts with a year-round education program may submit a request to the Secretary of Education for approval or disapproval to extend the school year until August 15 for the purpose of determining average daily memberships for students whose one hundred eighty (180) days of instruction continue into the summer months. (5) Official visitor" shall include the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, members of the Senate and House of Representatives, the House of Representatives, the Secretary of Education and members of the State Board of Education. [NOTE: "School district of the first class" is defined in 24 P.S. § 2-202. Classification of School Districts]. 24 PS 1-111 Background checks of prospective employees; conviction of employees of certain offenses (a) This section shall apply to all prospective employees of public and private schools, intermediate units and area vocational-technical schools, including independent contractors and their employees, except those employees and independent contractors and their employees who have no direct contact with children. This subsection shall expire March 31, 2007. (1) Beginning April 1, 2007, this section shall apply to bus drivers offered employment by a school district, private school, nonpublic school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school or by an independent contractor. (2) Beginning April 1, 2007, this section shall apply to student teacher candidates assigned to all public and private schools, intermediate units and area vocational-technical schools. (3) For purposes of this section, “student teacher candidate” shall mean an individual participating in a classroom teaching, internship, clinical or field experience who, as part of a program for the initial or advanced preparation of professional educators, performs classroom teaching or assists in the education program in a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school under the supervision of educator preparation program faculty. (4) Prior to a student teacher candidate's participation in any classroom teaching, internship, clinical or field experience, that candidate shall provide to the administrator of his or her educator preparation program all criminal history record information required of an employee or prospective employee who is subject to this section. (5) The student teacher candidate may not participate in any classroom teaching, internship, clinical or field experience if this section would prohibit an employee or prospective employee subject to this section from being employed under those circumstances. (6) During the course of a student teacher candidate's participation in an educator preparation program, the administrator of the student teacher candidate's educator preparation program shall maintain a copy of the criminal history record information that was provided by the student teacher candidate. The penalty provisions of subsection (g) shall be applicable to the administrator of a student teacher candidate's educator preparation program. (7) If a student teacher candidate is continuously enrolled in an educator preparation program, the criminal history record information initially submitted by that candidate to that program shall remain valid during that period of enrollment. If a student teacher candidate's enrollment in an educator preparation program is interrupted or if that candidate transfers to another educator preparation program, the candidate shall provide to the administrator of his or her educator preparation program all criminal history record information required of an employee who is subject to this section. (b) Administrators of public and private schools, intermediate units and area vocational-technical schools shall require prospective employees to submit with their employment application, pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. Ch.91 (relating to criminal history record information), a report of criminal history record information from the Pennsylvania State Police or a statement from the Pennsylvania State Police that the State Police central repository contains no such information relating to that person. Such report of criminal history record information shall be no more than one (1) year old. An applicant may submit a copy of the required information with the application for employment. Administrators shall maintain a copy of the required information. Administrators shall require contractors to produce a report of criminal history record information for each prospective employee of such contractor prior to employment. A copy of the report of criminal history record information from the Pennsylvania State Police shall be made available to the applicant in a manner prescribed by the Department of Education. (c) Where the applicant has not been a resident of this Commonwealth for at least two (2) years immediately preceding the date of application for employment, administrators shall require the applicant to submit with the application for employment a set of fingerprints which may be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for Federal criminal history record information pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation appropriation of Title II of Public Law 92-544, 86 Stat. 1115 or a copy of such Federal criminal history record. Administrators shall forward the set of fingerprints for the Federal criminal history record to the Department of Education. The Department of Education shall be the intermediary for the purposes of this section. The Department of Education shall return the Federal criminal history record to the applicant. When the applicant provides a copy of the Federal criminal history record, it shall be no more than one (1) year old. Administrators shall maintain a copy of the required information and shall require each applicant to produce a Federal criminal history record that may not be more than one (1) year old at the time of employment. The original Federal criminal history record shall be returned to the applicant. This subsection shall expire March 31, 2007. (c.1) Beginning April 1, 2007, administrators shall maintain on file with the application for employment a copy of the Federal criminal history record in a manner prescribed by the Department of Education. At a minimum, the Department of Education shall prescribe a method for applicants to submit a set of fingerprints to be transmitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for Federal criminal history record information pursuant to the applicable Federal law. The Federal criminal history record information report shall be no more than one (1) year old. Administrators shall maintain a copy of the required information and shall require each applicant to secure a Federal criminal history record information report that may not be more than one (1) year old at the time of employment. A copy of the Federal criminal history record information report shall be made available to the applicant in a manner prescribed by the Department of Education. (c.2) The provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. § 9121(b)(2) (relating to general regulations) shall not apply if the request is made pursuant to this section. (d) The State Board of Education shall, in the manner provided by law, promulgate the regulations necessary to carry out this section. The regulations shall provide for the confidentiality of criminal history record information obtained pursuant to this act. (e) No person subject to this act shall be employed in a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school where the report of criminal history record information indicates the applicant has been convicted of any of the following offenses: (1) An offense under one or more of the following provisions of Title 18 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes: Chapter 25 (relating to criminal homicide). (2) An offense designated as a felony under the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L. 233, No. 64), known as “The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act.” (3) An offense similar in nature to those crimes listed in clauses (1) and (2) under the laws or former laws of the United States or one of its territories or possessions, another state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a foreign nation, or under a former law of this Commonwealth. (f) Deleted by 2011, June 30, P.L. 112, No. 24, § 1, effective in 90 days [Sept. 28, 2011]. (2) If the conviction is for a misdemeanor of the first degree, the person shall be eligible for prospective employment only if a period of five years has elapsed from the date of expiration of the sentence for the offense. (3) If the report of criminal history record information indicates the person has been convicted more than once for an offense under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3802(a), (b), (c) or (d)(relating to driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance) and the offense is graded as a misdemeanor of the first degree under 75 Pa.C.S. § 3803 (relating to grading), the person shall be eligible for prospective employment only if a period of three years has elapsed from the date of expiration of the sentence for the most recent offense. (f.2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with the ability of a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school to make employment, discipline or termination decisions. (g) An administrator, or other person responsible for employment decisions in a school or other institution under this section who wilfully fails to comply with the provisions of this section commits a violation of this act and shall be subject to civil penalty as provided in this section. (1) The department shall have jurisdiction to determine violators of this section and may, following a hearing, assess a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). (2) The civil penalty shall be payable to the Commonwealth. (h) Any person who has once obtained the information required under this section may transfer to or provide services to another school in the same district, diocese or religious judicatory or established and supervised by the same organization and shall not be required to obtain additional reports before making such transfer. (i) Notwithstanding subsections (b), (c) and (c.1), administrators, before April 1, 2007, may employ in-State applicants on a provisional basis for a single period not to exceed thirty (30) days and may employ out-of-State applicants on a provisional basis for a single period not to exceed ninety (90) days and, after March 31, 2007, may employ any applicants on a provisional basis for a single period not to exceed ninety (90) days, except during a lawful strike proceeding under the provisions of the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L. 563, No. 195), known as the “Public Employee Relations Act,” provided that all of the following conditions are met: (1) the applicant has applied for the information required under subsection (b) and, where applicable, under subsection (c) or (c.1) and the applicant provides a copy of the appropriate completed request forms to the administrator; (2) the administrator has no knowledge of information pertaining to the applicant which would disqualify him from employment pursuant to subsection (e); (3) the applicant swears or affirms in writing that he is not disqualified from employment pursuant to subsection (e); (4) if the information obtained pursuant to subsection (b), (c) or (c.1) reveals that the applicant is disqualified from employment pursuant to subsection (e), the applicant shall be suspended and subject to termination proceedings as provided for by law; and (5) the administrator requires that the applicant not be permitted to work alone with children and that the applicant work in the immediate vicinity of a permanent employee (j)(1) The department shall develop a standardized form to be used by current and prospective employees of public and private schools, intermediate units and area vocational-technical schools for the written reporting by current and prospective employees of any arrest or conviction for an offense enumerated under subsection (e). The form shall provide a space in which a current or prospective employee who has not been convicted of or arrested for any such offense will respond “no conviction” and “no arrest.” The form also shall provide that failure to accurately report any arrest or conviction for an offense enumerated under subsection (e) shall subject the current or prospective employee to criminal prosecution under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities). The department shall publish the form on its publicly accessible Internet website and in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. (2) Within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this subsection, all current employees of a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school shall complete the form described in clause (1), indicating whether or not they have been convicted of an offense enumerated under subsection (e). (3) If, as required in clause (2), an employee refuses to submit the form described in clause (1), the administrator or other person responsible for employment decisions in a school or other institution shall immediately require the employee to submit to the administrator a current report of criminal history record information as required under subsections (a.1), (b) and (c.1). (4) If the arrest or conviction for an offense enumerated under subsection (e) occurs after the effective date of this subsection, the employee shall provide the administrator or designee with written notice utilizing the form provided for in clause (1) not later than seventy-two (72) hours after an arrest or conviction. (5) If an administrator or other person responsible for employment decisions in a school or other institution has a reasonable belief that an employee was arrested or has a conviction for an offense required to be reported under clause (2) or (4) and the employee or prospective employee has not notified the administrator as required under this section, the administrator or other person responsible for employment decisions in a school or other institution shall immediately require the employee to submit to the administrator a current report of criminal history record information as required under subsections (a.1), (b) and (c.1). The cost of the criminal background check shall be borne by the employing entity. (6)(i) An employee who willfully fails to disclose a conviction or an arrest for an offense enumerated under subsection (e)(1) shall be subject to discipline up to and including termination or denial of employment and may be subject to criminal prosecution under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 (relating to unsworn falsification to authorities). (ii) An employee who willfully fails to disclose a conviction of any other offense required to be reported by this section may be subject to discipline and may be subject to criminal prosecution under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904. (Reference here.) 24 P.S. § 2-202. Classification of School DistrictsSchool districts in Pennsylvania are divided into five classes, as follows:
(NOTE: Citation here. As I understand it, Philadelphia is the only "school district of the first class" in Pennsylvania.) 24 PS § 5-511. School athletics, publications, and organizations (a) The board of school directors in every school district shall prescribe, adopt, and enforce such reasonable rules and regulations as it may deem proper, regarding (1) the management, supervision, control, or prohibition of exercises, athletics, or games of any kind, school publications, debating, forensic, dramatic, musical, and other activities related to the school program, including raising and disbursing funds for any or all of such purposes and for scholarships, and (2) the organization, management, supervision, control, financing, or prohibition of organizations, clubs, societies and groups of the members of any class or school, and may provide for the suspension, dismissal, or other reasonable penalty in the case of any appointee, professional or other employee, or pupil who violates any of such rules or regulations. 24 PS 13-1303a Immunization required; penalty(a) It shall be the duty of all school directors, superintendents, principals, or other persons in charge of any public, private, parochial, or other school including kindergarten, to ascertain that every child, prior to admission to school for the first time has been immunized, as the Secretary of Health may direct, against such diseases as shall appear on a list to be made and from time to time reviewed by the Advisory Health Board. All certificates of immunization shall be issued in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Health with the sanction and advice of the Advisory Health Board. (b) Any person who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with, or who shall violate, any of the provisions or requirements of this section, except as hereinafter provided, shall, for every such offense, upon summary conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100), and in default thereof, to undergo an imprisonment in the jail of the proper county for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days. All such fines shall be paid into the treasury of the school district. (c) The provisions of this section shall not apply in the case of any child deemed to have a medical contraindication which may contraindicate immunization and so certified by a physician. Such certificates may be accepted in lieu of a certificate of immunization. (d) The provisions of this section shall not apply in the case of any child whose parent or guardian objects in writing to such immunization on religious grounds. 24 PS 13-1304 Admission of beginners(a) (c) The term "beginners," as used in this section, shall mean any child that should enter the lowest grade of the primary school or the lowest primary class above the kindergarten level. [Note: House Bill 1352 was passed by the House and Senate and approved by the Governor on June 30th, as Act 24 of 2011. One of the provisions of the School Code that Act 24 changes is Section 1304, Admission of Beginners. These changes went into effect on July 1, 2011.] 24 PS 13-1326 DefinitionsThe term "compulsory school age," as hereinafter used, shall mean the period of a child's life from the time the child's parents elect to have the child enter school, which shall be not later than at the age of eight (8) years, until the age of seventeen (17) years. The term shall not include any child who holds a certificate of graduation from a regularly accredited senior high school. The term "migratory child," wherever used in this subdivision of this article, shall include any child domiciled temporarily in any school district for the purpose of seasonal employment, but not acquiring residence therein, and any child accompanying his parent or guardian who is so domiciled. 24 PS 13-1327 Compulsory school attendance(a) Except as hereinafter provided, every child of compulsory school age having a legal residence in this Commonwealth, as provided in this article, and every migratory child of compulsory school age, is required to attend a day school in which the subjects and activities prescribed by the standards of the State Board of Education are taught in the English language. In lieu of such school attendance, any child fifteen years of age with the approval of the district superintendent and the approval of the Secretary of Education, and any child sixteen years of age with the approval of the district superintendent of schools, may enroll as a day student in a private trade school or in a private business school licensed by the Department of Education, or in a trade or business school, or department operated by a local school district or districts. Such modified program offered in a public school must meet the standards prescribed by the State Board of Education or the State Board for Vocational Education. Except as hereinafter provided, every parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of any child or children of compulsory school age is required to send such child or children to a day school in which the subjects and activities prescribed by the standards of the State Board of Education are taught in the English language. Such parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of any child or children, fifteen or sixteen years of age, in accordance with the provisions of this act, may send such child or children to a private trade school or private business school licensed by the Department of Education, or to a trade or business school, or department operated by a local school district or. districts. Such modified program offered in a public school must meet the standards prescribed by the State Board of Education or the State Board for Vocational Education. Such child or children shall attend such school continuously through the entire term, during which the public schools in their respective districts shall be in session, or in cases of children of migrant laborers during the time the schools are in session in the districts in which such children are temporarily domiciled. The financial responsibility for the education of such children of migrant laborers shall remain with the school district in which such children of migrant laborers are temporarily domiciled; except in the case of special schools or classes conducted by an intermediate unit and approved by the Department of Education or conducted by the Department of Education. The certificate of any principal or teacher of a private school, or of any institution for the education of children, in which the subjects and activities prescribed by the standards of the State Board of Education are taught in the English language, setting forth that the work of said school is in compliance with the provisions of this act, shall be sufficient and satisfactory evidence thereof. Regular daily instruction in the English language, for the time herein required, by a properly qualified private tutor, shall be considered as complying with the provisions of this section. For the purposes of this section, "properly qualified private tutor" shall mean a person who is certified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to teach in the public schools of Pennsylvania; who is teaching one or more children who are members of a single family; who provides the majority of the instruction to such child or children; and who is receiving a fee or other consideration for such instructional services. No person who would be disqualified from school employment by the provisions of subsection (e) of section 111 may be a private tutor, as provided for in this section. The private tutor must file a copy of his Pennsylvania certification and the required criminal history record with the student's district of residence superintendent. (b) A child enrolled in a day school which is operated by a bona fide church or other religious body, and the parent, guardian or other person having control or charge of any such child or children of compulsory school age shall be deemed to have met the requirements of this section if that school provides a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days of instruction or nine hundred (900) hours of instruction per year at the elementary level, or nine hundred ninety (990) hours per year of instruction at the secondary level and:
(c) A child enrolled in a day or boarding school accredited by an accrediting association which is approved by the State Board of Education, and the parent, guardian or other person having designated control or charge of any child or children of compulsory school age shall be deemed to have met the requirements of subsection (a). (d) Instruction to children of compulsory school age provided in a home education program, as provided for in section 1327.1 of this act, shall be considered as complying with the provisions of this section, except that any student who has been identified pursuant to the provisions of the Education of the Handicapped Act (Public Law 91-230, 20 U.S.C. § 1401 et seq.) as needing special education services, excluding those students identified as gifted and/or talented, shall be in compliance with the requirements of compulsory attendance by participating in a home education program, as defined in section 1327.1, when the program addresses the specific needs of the exceptional student and is approved by a teacher with a valid certificate from the Commonwealth to teach special education or a licensed clinical or certified school psychologist, and written notification of such approval is submitted with the notarized affidavit required under section 1327.1(b). The supervisor of a home education program may request that the school district or intermediate unit of residence provide services that address the specific needs of the exceptional student in the home education program. When the provision of services is agreed to by both the supervisor and the school district or intermediate unit, all services shall be provided in the public schools or in a private school licensed to provide such programs and services. 24 PS 13-1327.1 Home education program[Note Changes As Of October 2014!!! --> The home education program law was changed in October 2014. In the law text below, language that was removed is marked like this; language that was added is marked like this.] (a) The following words and phrases when used in this section shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection: "Appropriate education" shall mean a program consisting of instruction in the required subjects for the time required in this act and in which the student demonstrates sustained progress in the overall program. "Department" shall mean the Department of Education of the Commonwealth. "Hearing examiner" shall not be an officer, employee or agent of the Department of Education or of the school district or intermediate unit of residence of the child in the home education program. "Home education program" shall mean a program conducted, in compliance with this section, by the parent or guardian or such person having legal custody of the child or children. "Supervisor" shall mean the parent or guardian or such person having legal custody of the child or children who shall be responsible for the provision of instruction, provided that such person has a high school diploma or its equivalent. (b) The requirements contained in sections 1511 and 1511.1, except as provided for in this section, and section 1605 shall not apply to home education programs. A home education program shall not be considered a nonpublic school under the provisions of this act. (1) A notarized affidavit of the parent or guardian or other person having legal custody of the child or children, filed prior to the commencement of the home education program and annually thereafter on August 1 with the superintendent of the school, district of residence and which sets forth: the name of the supervisor of the home education program who shall be responsible for the provision of instruction; the name and age of each. child who shall participate in the home education program; the address and telephone number of the home education program site; that such subjects as required by law are offered in the English language, including an outline of proposed education objectives by subject area; evidence that the child has been immunized in accordance with the provisions of section 1303(a) and has received the health and medical services required for students of the child's age or grade level in Article XIV; and that the home education program shall comply with the provisions of this section and that the notarized affidavit shall be satisfactory evidence thereof. The required outline of proposed education objectives shall not be utilized by the superintendent in determining if the home education program is out of compliance with this section and section 1327. The affidavit shall contain a certification to be signed by the supervisor that the supervisor, all adults living in the home and persons having legal custody of a child or children in a home education program have not been convicted of the criminal offenses enumerated in subsection (e) of section 111 within five years immediately preceding the date of the affidavit. (2) In the event the home education program site is relocating to another school district within this Commonwealth during the course of the public school term or prior to the opening of the public school term in the fall, the supervisor of the home education program must apply, by registered mail, thirty (30) days prior to the relocation, to the superintendent of the district in which he or she currently resides, requesting a letter of transfer for the home education program to the district to which the home education program is relocating. The current superintendent of residence must issue the letter of transfer thirty (30) days after receipt of the registered mail request of the home education program supervisor. (i) If the home education program is not in compliance with the provisions of this section, the superintendent of the current district of residence must inform the home education supervisor and the superintendent of the district to which the home education program is relocating the status of the home education program and the reason for the denial of the letter of transfer. (ii) If the home education program is in hearing procedures, as contained in this section, the superintendent of the current district of residence must inform the home education supervisor, the assigned hearing examiner and the superintendent of the district to which the home education program is relocating the status of the home education program and the reason for the denial of the letter of transfer. (3) The letter of transfer, required by clause (2), must be filed by the supervisor of the home education program with the superintendent of the new district of residence. In the case of pending proceedings, the new district of residence superintendent shall continue the home education program until the appeal process is finalized. (c) A child who is enrolled in a home education program and whose education is therefore under the direct supervision of his parent, guardian or other person having legal custody shall be deemed to have met the requirements of section 1327 if that home education program provides a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days of instruction or nine hundred (900) hours of instruction per year at the elementary level, or nine hundred ninety (990) hours per year at the secondary level: (1) At the elementary school level, the following courses shall be taught: English, to include spelling, reading and writing; arithmetic; science; geography; history of the United States and Pennsylvania; civics; safety education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires; health and physiology; physical education; music; and art. (2) At the secondary school level, the following courses shall be taught: English, to include language, literature, speech and composition; science; geography; social studies, to include civics, world history, history of the United States and Pennsylvania; mathematics, to include general mathematics, algebra and geometry; art; music; physical education; health; and safety education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires. Such courses of study may include, at the discretion of the supervisor of the home education program, economics; biology; chemistry; foreign languages; trigonometry; or other age-appropriate courses as contained in Chapter 5 (Curriculum Requirements) of the State Board of Education. ' (d) The following minimum courses in grades nine through twelve are established as a requirement for graduation in a home education program: (1) Four years of English. (2) Three years of mathematics. (3) Three years of science. (4) Three years of social studies (5) Two years of arts and humanities. (d.1) (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this act or any other law or regulation to the contrary, a high school diploma awarded by a supervisor or an approved diploma-granting (i) In the case of a diploma awarded by a supervisor the following shall apply: (A) The student receiving the diploma shall have completed all the requirements in subsection (d) while enrolled in a home education program that is in compliance with this section. (B) The diploma shall be awarded to the student on a standardized form to be developed by the department and which shall be made available on the department's publicly accessible Internet website. (C) The diploma shall be signed by the student's twelfth grade evaluator in confirmation of the student's suitability for graduation. (ii) In the case of a diploma awarded by an approved diploma-granting organization the following shall apply: (A) The student receiving the diploma shall have completed all the requirements in subsection (d) while enrolled in a home education program that is in compliance with this section. (B) The diploma shall be awarded to the student on a standardized form to be developed by the organization. (2) The department shall establish eligibility criteria and an application process for approving diploma-granting organizations to award high school diplomas to students enrolled in home education programs. The department shall maintain a list of approved diploma-granting organizations and post the list on the department's publicly accessible Internet website. (e) In order to demonstrate that appropriate education is occurring, the supervisor of the home education program shall provide and maintain on file the following documentation for each student enrolled in the home education program: (1) A portfolio of records and materials. (i) A teacher or administrator who evaluates a portfolio at the elementary level (grades kindergarten through six) shall have at least two years of experience in grading any of the following subjects: English, to include spelling, reading and writing; arithmetic; science; geography; history of the United States and Pennsylvania; and civics. (ii) A teacher or administrator who evaluates a portfolio at the secondary level (grades seven through twelve) shall have at least two years of experience in grading any of the following subjects: English, to include language, literature, speech, reading and composition; science, to include biology, chemistry and physics; geography; social studies, to include economics, civics, world history, history of the United States and Pennsylvania; foreign language; and mathematics, to include general mathematics, algebra, trigonometry, calculus and geometry. (iii) As used in this clause, the term "grading" shall mean evaluation of classwork, homework, quizzes, classwork-based tests and prepared tests related to classwork subject matter. (2) An annual written evaluation of the student's educational progress as determined by a licensed clinical or school psychologist or a teacher certified by the Commonwealth or by a nonpublic school teacher or administrator. Any such nonpublic teacher or administrator shall have at least two years of teaching experience in a Pennsylvania public or nonpublic school within the last ten years. Such nonpublic teacher or administrator shall have the required experience at the elementary level to evaluate elementary students or at the secondary level to evaluate secondary students. The certified teacher shall have experience at the elementary level to evaluate elementary students or at the secondary level to evaluate secondary students. The evaluation shall also be based on an interview of the child and a review of the portfolio required in clause (1) and shall certify whether or not an appropriate education is occurring. At the request of the supervisor, persons with other qualifications may conduct the evaluation with the prior consent of the district of residence superintendent. In no event shall the evaluator be the supervisor or their spouse. (f) The school district of residence shall, at the request of the supervisor, lend to the home education program copies of the school district's planned courses, textbooks and other curriculum materials appropriate to the student's age and grade level. (f.1) (1) Beginning January 1, 2006, the school district of residence shall permit a child who is enrolled in a home education program to participate in any activity that is subject to the provisions of section 511, including, but not limited to, clubs, musical ensembles, athletics and theatrical productions provided that the child: (i) Meets the eligibility criteria or their equivalent for participation in the activity that apply to students enrolled in the school district; (ii) Meets the tryout criteria or their equivalent for participation in the activity that apply to students enrolled in the school district; and (iii) Complies with all policies, rules and regulations or their equivalent of the governing organization of the activity. (2) For the purposes of this subsection, the school district of residence's program of interscholastic athletics, including varsity sports, shall be considered an activity and shall include all activities related to competitive sports contests, games, events or exhibitions involving individual students or teams of students whenever such activities occur between schools within the school district or between schools outside of the school district. (g) When documentation is required by this section to be submitted to the district of residence superintendent or the hearing examiner, the superintendent or the hearing examiner shall return, upon completion of his review, all such documentation to the supervisor of the home education program. The superintendent or hearing examiner may photocopy all or portions of the documentation for his files. (h) Such documentation required by subsection (e)(1) and (2) shall be provided to the public school district of residence superintendent at the conclusion of each public school year. In addition, if the superintendent has a reasonable belief that, at any time during the school year, appropriate education may not be occurring in the home education program, he may, by certified mail, return receipt requested, require documentation pertaining to the portfolio of records and materials required by subsection (e)(1) to be submitted to the district within fifteen (15) days; and documentation pertaining to subsection (e)(2) to be submitted to the district within thirty (30) days. If the tests as required in subsection (e)(1) have not been administered at the time of the receipt of the certified letter by the supervisor, the supervisor shall submit the other required documentation and shall submit the test results with the documentation at the conclusion of the school year. (h.1) An evaluator's certification stating that an appropriate education is occurring for the school year under review shall be provided by the supervisor to the superintendent of the public school district of residence by June 30 of each year. If the supervisor fails to submit the certification due on June 30 to the superintendent, the superintendent shall send a letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the supervisor of the home education program, stating that the certification is past due and notifying the supervisor to submit the certification within ten (10) days of receipt of the certified letter. If the certification is not submitted within that time, the board of school directors shall provide for a proper hearing in accordance with subsection (k). (i) If the superintendent of the public school district determines, based on the documentation provided, at the end of or during the school year, that appropriate education is not taking place for the child in the home education program, the superintendent shall send a letter by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the supervisor of the home education program stating that in his opinion appropriate education is not taking place for the child in the home education program and shall return all documentation, specifying what aspect or aspects of the documentation are inadequate. (i.1) If the superintendent has a reasonable belief, at any time during the school year, that appropriate education may not be occurring in the home education program, he may submit a letter to the supervisor, by certified mail, return receipt requested, requiring that an evaluation be conducted in accordance with subsection (e)(2) and that an evaluator's certification stating that an appropriate education is occurring for the school year under review, be submitted to the district by the supervisor within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the certified letter. The certified letter shall include the basis for the superintendent's reasonable belief. If the tests, as required in subsection (e)(1), have not been administered at the time of the receipt of the certified letter by the supervisor, the supervisor shall submit the other required documentation to the evaluator and shall submit the test results to the evaluator with the completed documentation at the conclusion of the school year. If the certification is not submitted to the superintendent within thirty (30) days of receipt of the certified letter, the board of school directors shall provide for a proper hearing in accordance with subsection (k). (j) Upon receipt of the certified letter required by subsection (i), the supervisor of the home education program shall have twenty (20) days to submit additional documentation demonstrating that appropriate education is taking place for the child in the home education program. If documentation is not submitted within that time, the home education program for the child shall be out of compliance with the requirements of this section and section 1327, and the student shall be promptly enrolled in the public school district of residence or a nonpublic school or a licensed private academic school. (j.1) If the superintendent has a reasonable belief that the home education program is out of compliance with any other provisions of this section, the superintendent shall submit a letter to the supervisor by certified mail, return receipt requested, requiring a certification to be submitted within thirty (30) days indicating that the program is in compliance. The certified letter shall include the basis for the superintendent's reasonable belief. If the certification is not submitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of the certified letter, the board of school directors shall provide for a proper hearing in accordance with subsection (k). (k) If the superintendent determines that the additional documentation submitted still does not demonstrate that appropriate education is taking place in the home education program, he shall so notify the supervisor of the home education program by certified mail, return receipt requested, and If a hearing is required by the provisions of subsection (h.1), (i.1) or (j.1), the board of school directors shall provide for a proper hearing by a duly qualified and impartial hearing examiner within thirty (30) days. The examiner shall render a decision within fifteen (15) days of the hearing except that he may require the establishment of a remedial education plan mutually agreed to by the superintendent and supervisor of the home education program which shall continue the home education program. The decision of the examiner may be appealed by either the supervisor of the home education program or the superintendent to the Secretary of Education, or Commonwealth Court or court of common pleas. (l) If the hearing examiner finds that the documentation evidence does not indicate that appropriate education is taking place in the home education program, the home education program for the child shall be out of compliance with the requirements of this section and section 1327, and the student shall be promptly enrolled in the public school district of residence or a nonpublic school or a licensed private academic school. The home education program may continue during the time of any appeal. (m) At such time as the child's home education program has been determined to be out of compliance with the provisions of this section and section 1327, the supervisor or spouse of the supervisor of the home education program shall not be eligible to supervise a home education program for that child, as provided for in subsection (b)(1) of this section, for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of such determination. (n) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect Federal or State law relating to special education for students with disabilities in home education programs. EXCUSALS FROM PUBLIC SCHOOL ATTENDANCE22 Pa Code 11.31 Pupils not enrolled in public schools due to private tutoring(a) Private tutoring by a properly qualified tutor shall be subject to the annual approval of the district superintendent of schools. The instruction shall include for elementary school level students: English, including spelling, reading and writing, arithmetic, geography, the history of the United States and Pennsylvania, science, civics, including loyalty to the State and National Government, safety education, and the humane treatment of birds and animals, health, including physical education and physiology, music and art. For secondary school level students, the instruction shall include: art, English, health, mathematics, music, physical education, science and social studies, including United States and Pennsylvania history. The instruction shall be given during the school year for a minimum of 180 days of instruction or for a minimum of 900 hours of instruction for an elementary level student and a minimum of 990 hours of instruction for a secondary level student as the equivalent of 180 days of instruction. (b) The superintendent's approval of the tutor shall be by acceptable evidence of the tutor's ability to teach the program to the pupil and by written assurance from the parent that the instructional requirements listed in this section shall be met. If approval is granted, the superintendent may afterwards also require evidence deemed necessary to demonstrate that the pupil is making satisfactory progress in the tutoring program and that the required subjects are being taught for the time prescribed. 22 Pa. Code § 11.31a. Students not enrolled in public schools due to participation in a home education program.Students of compulsory school age participating in a home education program are subject to sections 1327(d) and 1327.1 of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § § 13-1327(d) and 1327.1). School district approval is not required to commence home education programs. Authority The provisions of this § 11.31a issued under section 2603-B of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § 26-2603-B). Source The provisions of this § 11.31a adopted October 22, 2004, effective October 23, 2004, 34 Pa.B. 5798. 24 PS § 13-1332. Reports of enrollments; attendance and withdrawals; public and private schoolsEvery principal or teacher in every public school, and every principal, teacher or tutor in every school other than a public school, and in every institution for children, and every private teacher in every school district, shall, immediately after their admission to such school or institution, or at the beginning of such private teaching, furnish to the district superintendents, attendance officers, home and school visitors, or secretaries of the boards of school directors of the districts wherein the parents or guardians of such children reside, lists of the names and residences of all children between six (6) and eighteen (18) years of age enrolled in such school or institution, or taught by such private teacher; and shall further report at once to such district superintendent, or secretary of the board of school directors, the name and date of withdrawal of any such pupil withdrawing from any such school or institution, or from such private instruction, if such withdrawal occurs during the period of compulsory attendance in said district. Every principal or teacher in a school other than a public school, and every private teacher, shall also report at once to the superintendent, attendance officer, home and school visitor, or secretary of the board of school directors of the district, any such child who has been absent three (3) days, or their equivalent, during the term of compulsory attendance, without lawful excuse. 1937, July 1, P.L. 2560, § 6. 24 P.S. § 13-1332, PA ST 24 P.S. § 13-1332 22 Pa. Code § 11.13. Compulsory school age.Compulsory school age refers to the period of a child’s life from the time the child enters school as a beginner which may be no later than at the age of 8 years, until the age of 17 or graduation from a high school, whichever occurs first. A beginner is a child who enters a school district’s lowest elementary school grade that is above kindergarten. Authority The provisions of this § 11.13 amended under section 1317(a) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 367(a)); and sections 1327, 1330, 1372 and 1511 of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § § 13-1327, 13-1330, 13-1372 and 15-1511). Source The provisions of this § 11.13 amended December 19, 1986, effective December 20, 1986, 16 Pa.B. 4874. Immediately preceding text appears at serial page (98913). Notes of Decisions When a child was denied admittance to kindergarten on the basis of age after transferring to a different school district, he was not denied equal protection since compulsory attendance for ‘‘beginners’’ did not pertain to kindergarten students. O’Leary v. Wisecup, 364 A.2d 770 (Pa. Cmwlth. 1976). § 4.72. Credentials other than the high school diploma.The requirements for a Commonwealth secondary school diploma are as follows: (1) The Commonwealth secondary school diploma may be issued to an applicant who is a resident of this Commonwealth and does not possess a secondary school diploma upon presentation of evidence of full matriculation and the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 1 full year or 30 semester hours of study at an accredited institution of postsecondary education. (2) In addition to the provisions of paragraph (1), the Commonwealth secondary school diploma may be issued to an applicant who is a resident of this Commonwealth, does not possess a secondary school diploma and is not enrolled in a public, licensed private, registered accredited or licensed nonpublic secondary school upon earning a passing score as determined by the Department on the high school level tests of General Educational Development (GED). A person 18 years of age or older may qualify for GED testing upon request. A person between 16 and 18 years of age may qualify for GED testing upon the issuance of a court order or at the written request of one of the following: (i) An employer who requires a high school equivalency credential for job opportunities. (ii) An official of an accredited institution of postsecondary education which accepts applicants on the basis of GED test scores. (iii) A recruiting officer of a branch of the armed forces that requires a high school equivalency credential for entry of new recruits. (iv) The director of a State institution on behalf of residents, patients or inmates. (3) The Department will not ordinarily issue a diploma until after the high school class of which the applicant was a member has been graduated. This restriction may be waived by the Department upon the recommendation of the school district for persons between 16 and 18 years of age who meet the higher education or GED requirements for the secondary school diploma. Cross References This section cited in 22 Pa. Code § 4.74 (relating to students in special situations). Sec. Art XIV, Public School Code of 1949, Title 24 SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICESNote: Former Article XIV, Medical Inspection and Hygiene, was repealed by 1957 Act 404, § I (PL 937), eff. 6-1-57@ 5-9-49, Act 269, § I (PL 957); 5-9-49, Act 263, § 7 (PL 939); 3-10-49, Act 14, Art XIV, § 1401 to 1413, 1421 to 1438 (PL 30). Sec. 1401 Definitions 24 PS 1401 Definitions As used in this article- 24 PS 1402 Health services(a) Each child of school age shall be given by methods established by the Advisory Health Board, (1) a vision test by a school nurse, medical technician or teacher, (2) a hearing test by a school nurse or medical technician, (3) a measurement of height and weight by a school nurse or teacher, (4) tests for tuberculosis under medical supervision, and (5) such other tests as the Advisory Health Board may deem advisable to protect the health of the child. Vision tests shall be given at least annually and other tests at intervals established by the Advisory Health Board. 24 PS 14-1403 Dental examinations and dental hygiene services(a) All children of school age in the Commonwealth, (i) upon original entry into the school, (ii) while in the third grade, and (iii) while in the seventh grade, shall be given a dental examination by a school dentist: Provided, however, That this requirement shall not apply to those school districts or joint school boards which have instituted a program of dental hygiene services as provided in subsection (b) of this section. (b) Any school district or joint school board may institute a program of dental hygiene services for children of school age, which program shall be approved by the Secretary of Health, and for that purpose may employ dental hygienists. 24 PS 14-1404 Place of examination, use of hospital facilitiesThe school physician and school dentist shall conduct medical, dental and other examinations in rooms set aside for this special purpose and equipped with adequate facilities and with such other accessories as may be required by the Secretary of Health for the thorough examination of children. The school physicians shall require the removal of sufficient clothing to insure complete examination. If facilities in schools are inadequate for conducting medical, dental and other examinations, the school districts or joint school boards and private schools may, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Health, make arrangements for the use of laboratories and facilities of hospitals or clinics for examinations herein provided for. 24 PS 14-1405 Assistance; presence of parentsEvery school physician shall be assisted by a school nurse and every school dentist by a dental hygienist, if available, or trained assistant, who shall be present during each examination. Parents or guardians of children of school age shall be advised in advance of the date of examination and urged to be present. Medical examinations shall be made in the presence of the parent or guardian of the child when so requested by the parent or guardian. 24 PS 14-1406 RecommendationsRecommendations as to medical, surgical or dental care shall be sent to each parent or guardian and to the family physician or family dentist on forms prepared or approved by the Secretary of Health with instructions to the parent or guardian to consult the family physician or family dentist and to notify the school authorities of the action taken with respect to the recommendations. School physicians or school nurses shall inform teachers of the health conditions of pupils which may affect behavior, appearance or scholastic performance. 24 PS 14-1407 Examinations by examiners of own choiceIn lieu of the medical or dental examinations prescribed by this article, any child of school age may furnish the local school officials with a medical or dental 24 PS 14-1408 ReportsEvery school district of the Commonwealth or school districts jointly, school physicians, school dentists and school nurses, shall file with the Secretary of Health and/or the Superintendent of Public Instruction such reports as required by the regulations of the two departments. 24 PS 14-1409 Confidentiality, transference and removal of health recordsAll health records established and maintained pursuant to this act shall be confidential, and their contents shall be divulged only when necessary for the health of the child or at the request of the parent or guardian to a physician legally qualified to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathy or osteopathic surgery in the Commonwealth. In the case of any child of school age who enrolls in any school, public or private, in any district and who previously attended school in another district in Pennsylvania, the district or school wherein the child is newly enrolled shall request and the district or school where the child previously attended shall surrender the health record of the child. School districts, joint school boards or private schools, shall not destroy a child's health record for a period of at least two years after the child ceases to be enrolled, but may surrender such child's health record or portion thereof to his parent or guardian if the child does not re-enroll in an elementary or secondary school in Pennsylvania. 24 PS 1410 Employment of school health personnelExcept as otherwise provided in this article, all school districts alone or jointly with other districts or joint school boards shall employ school physicians and school dentists but only with the approval of the Secretary of Health, and shall compensate them on a basis agreed upon by the school physician or school dentist and the employing district or joint school board, and shall employ one or more school nurses. Health officers of municipalities may be appointed as school physicians by school districts or joint school boards. For special examinations recommended by school physicians, school districts or joint school boards may engage the services of ophthalmologists or other licensed medical specialists or of optometrists. Any school district alone or jointly with other districts or joint school boards may employ dental hygienists and such other technical and clerical personnel as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this article. 24 PS 1411 Cooperation with political subdivisionsAny school district or joint school board may, in any health work in which it is authorized to engage, cooperate with any county, city, borough, town or township engaged in health work. Any school district of the first class A may, with the approval of the Secretary of Health and Superintendent of Public Instruction, contract with county health units or the department or board of health of any municipality for school health services. 24 PS 1412 Municipal civil service status protectedIn any school district of the first class or first class A, any physician or nurse who is an employee with civil service status under any municipal corporation within the territorial limits of the school district and who performs any duty or duties under this act shall continue to be an employee of the municipal corporation and shall retain all of his or her civil service rights and rights under the pension system of the said municipal corporation. 24 PS 1413 Supplemental duties of school physiciansDuties of school physicians shall include the vaccination of children of indigent parents, official re-vaccination of children having temporary vaccination certificates, physical examination of children incident to the issuance of employment certificates as required by the provisions of the Child Labor Act, approval of the return of pupils who have been absent due to a contagious disease or suspected contagious disease, and such other duties as may be required by the board of school directors not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Health. 24 PS 1414 Care and treatment of pupilsAny school district or joint school board may provide for the care and treatment of defective eyes, ears and teeth of all children of school age within the district. 24 PS 1415 Public assistance for medical, dental or surgical careIf the medical record of any child at any time discloses a condition which requires medical. dental or surgical treatment and the parent or guardian states to the school authorities that he is financially unable to have a physician or dentist of his choice render such care, he shall be advised that the cost of such care may be provided if application is made to the appropriate county board of public assistance. Upon application, the county board of assistance shall authorize payment for necessary medical. dental or surgical care as assistance as defined in the standards. rules and regulations established by the Secretary of Public Welfare in consultation with the Secretary of Health. If it appears that the parent or guardian was financially able to pay for the medical, dental or surgical care for which payment was made on the authorization of a county board of assistance, the Department of Public Welfare shall recover the amounts thus expended from the parent or guardian liable for the support of such child as provided in the support law. 24 PS 1416 Precautions against spread of tuberculosisNo person having any form of tuberculosis in a transmissible stage shall be a pupil, teacher, janitor or any other employee in any school except in a special school carried on under the regulations made for such schools by the Secretary of Health. The board of directors of any school district or joint school board may appropriate the necessary funds to pay for X-ray or other medical examinations to determine the presence or absence of tuberculosis in any teacher, janitor or other employee of the district. 24 PS 1417 Pupils relieved from compulsory attendanceAny pupil prevented from attending school on account of the health or sanitation laws of this Commonwealth, or by the sanitary regulations of the local board of health or the board of school directors, is relieved from complying with the provisions of the act amended hereby concerning compulsory attendance during the time he is prevented from attending school. 24 PS 1418 Medical examinations of teachers and other persons(a) All teachers, janitors, cooks and other cafeteria help and all others employed at schools shall be required to take a pre-employment medical examination, the results of which shall be recorded on forms prescribed by the Secretary of Health and shall be made available to the employing authorities. 24 PS 1419 Objections to examination or treatment on religious groundsThis article shall not be construed to compel any person to submit to any medical or dental examination or treatment under the authority of this act when the person or the parent or guardian of the person, if a minor, objects to the examination or treatment on religious grounds or to permit any discrimination against any person on account of such objections: Provided, that exemption from medical or dental examination shall not be granted if the Secretary of Health finds that facts exist under which the exemption constitutes a present substantial menace to the health of other persons exposed to contact with the unexamined person. 24 PS 1420 Examinations of school buildings and groundsThe Secretary of Health shall employ sanitarians or request local health authorities to assign a sanitarian to make a careful examination of all privies, water closets, urinals, cellars. the water supply and drinking vessels and utensils and sewage and refuse disposal systems, lighting, heating and ventilating systems, and such additional examinations of the sanitary conditions of the school buildings and grounds as the regulations of the Secretary of Health may require. 24 PS 1421 Powers and duties of the Secretary of Health and of the Superintendent of Public Instruction; rules and regulations(a) The technical content of the medical, dental, nursing and sanitary portions of the school health program shall be prescribed by and under the general direction of the Secretary of Health who shall- 1. Approve all appointments of school physicians and school dentists and prescribe their duties and formulate and prescribe standards for medical technicians and sanitary officers for employment in the school health program. 2. Suggest or recommend to the State Board of Education standards of qualification for school nurses and dental hygienists for employment by a school district or joint school board in the school health services program and advise school administrators on matters connected with carrying out the school health program. (b) The administration and supervision of the educational and teaching aspects of the program shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent of Public Instruction who shall- 1. Approve certification of school nurses and dental hygienists for employment by a school district or joint school board and administer and direct their services and program: provided, that the services of school nurses and dental hygienists shall be utilized exclusively in connection with medical and dental examinations and associated health activities. 2. Advise the Secretary of Health and school physicians and school dentists on matters pertaining to the educational impact of the school health services program. (c) The Secretary of Health and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, after consultation shall- 1. Adopt such records and report forms as will facilitate the efficient operation, administration and comprehensive evaluation of the school health program. 2. Adopt and enforce rules and regulations for the school health program not inconsistent with the provisions of this act. 24 PS 1422 Advisory health councilsDistrict superintendents may set up advisory health councils to study health needs and to assist in organizing follow-up programs. An advisory health council shall be composed of representatives of the medical and dental associations, social organizations, veterans' organizations, parent-teacher associations, service clubs and other organizations in the area served. Those making the medical and § 23.2. Medical examinations.(a) Medical examinations as required by § 23.1 (relating to required health services) shall be provided on original entry into school, in grade six and in grade 11. (b) For purposes of this section, on original entry into school means entrance into kindergarten if it is part of the school system or into the first grade if the school system does not have a kindergarten. In instances where there are kindergartens in some schools of a district and not in others, the board or joint board may decide whether medical and dental examinations shall begin in grade one or in the kindergarten. (c) Children transferred from other school systems shall be examined as soon as possible after the transfer regardless of their age or grade if an adequate health record is not made available by the original school. (d) Medical examinations shall be conducted carefully and in sufficient detail to command medical respect and to provide an educational experience for the child and his parents. Examinations shall be scheduled so that an average of no more than four children will be examined in an hour. Results of vision and hearing screening tests shall be available to the physician at the time of the examination. (e) The school medical examination may be conducted by the family physician and reported to the school on forms supplied by the school. Administrators are urged to have as many children examined privately as possible to provide for continuity in the medical care of the child. Payment for these examinations shall be the responsibility of the parent; however, children examined privately shall be counted as part of the enrollment for reimbursement purposes as provided in § 23.23 (relating to maximum reimbursement for medical services). [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.2.html ] § 23.3. Dental examinations.(a) Dental examinations shall be required on original entry into school and in grades three and seven. In instances where there are kindergartens in some schools of a district and not in others, the board or joint board may decide whether medical and dental examinations shall begin in the first grade or in the kindergarten. (b) Children transferred from other school systems shall be examined as soon as possible after the transfer regardless of their age or grade if an adequate dental record is not made available by the original school. (c) Dental examinations shall be conducted with sufficient care and detail to command dental respect and to provide an educational experience for the child and his parents. Examinations shall be scheduled so that an average of no more than eight children are examined in an hour. (d) The school dental examination may be conducted by the family dentist and reported to the school on forms supplied by the school. Administrators are urged to have as many children examined privately as possible to provide for continuity in the dental care of the child. Payment for these examinations shall be the responsibility of the parent; however, children examined privately shall be counted as part of the enrollment for reimbursement purposes as provided in § 23.24 (relating to maximum reimbursement for dental services). [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.3.html] § 23.4. Vision screening tests.Vision screening tests shall be conducted annually by a nurse, teacher or medical technician. The Snellen Chart or other screening device approved by the Department of Health shall be utilized for vision screening. [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.4.html ] § 23.5. Hearing screening tests.(a) Identity. A hearing screening test determines the response to discrete frequencies presented at a specified decibel level. (b) Test equipment. An individual pure tone audiometer or other screening equipment approved by the Department of Health shall be utilized for hearing screening tests. (c) Frequencies employed. Frequencies of 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000 cycles per second shall be employed in screening testing. (d) Pupils to be tested. Each year, pupils in kindergarten, special ungraded classes and grades one, two, three, seven and 11 shall be given a hearing screening test. [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.5.html ] § 23.6. Threshold hearing tests.(a) Identity. A threshold hearing test determines the lowest decibel level required to elicit responses, at least 50% of the time, to a series of discrete frequencies. (b) Test equipment. An individual pure tone audiometer or other screening equipment approved by the Department of Health shall be utilized for threshold hearing tests. (c) Frequencies employed. Frequencies of 250, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000 and 8,000 cycles per second shall be employed in threshold testing. (d) Pupils to be tested. The following pupils shall be given threshold hearing tests: (1) A pupil in any grade who is known to have a loss which meets or exceeds the criteria for otologic referral established by the Department of Health shall be given a test each year. (2) A pupil who fails a hearing screening test given under § 23.5 (relating to hearing screening tests). (3) A pupil who presents a history of recurrent upper respiratory infection or may evidence other possible ear, nose and throat pathology. (4) A pupil who shows, by classroom behavior or speech pattern, or both, that a hearing difficulty may exist. [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.6.html ] § 23.7. Height and weight measurements.(a) Height and weight measurement shall be conducted at least once annually and preferably twice annually. Every effort shall be made to determine the pattern of growth for each child so that his weight and height can be interpreted in light of his own growth pattern rather than those of his classmates. (b) Height and weight measurements shall be conducted by a nurse or teacher. [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.7.html] § 23.45. Objections to examination on religious grounds.(a) School children or school employes may be excused from regular or special medical or dental examinations on presentation of written evidence to the school administrator that the examinations are contrary to the religious beliefs of the parent or guardian of the child or of the employe. (b) Exemption from medical or dental examinations will not be granted if the Department of Health finds that facts exist under which the exemption constitutes a present substantial menace to the health of other persons exposed to contact with the unexamined person. [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.45.html] § 23.83. Immunization requirements.(a) Duties of a school director, superintendent, principal or other person in charge of a public, private, parochial or nonpublic school. Each school director, superintendent, principal, or other person in charge of a public, private, parochial or nonpublic school in this Commonwealth, including vocational schools, intermediate units, and special education and home education programs, cyber and charter schools, shall ascertain that a child has been immunized in accordance with the requirements in subsections (b), (c) and (e) prior to admission to school for the first time, under section 1303 of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § 13-1303a) regarding immunization required; penalty. (b) Required for attendance. The following immunizations are required as a condition of attendance at school in this Commonwealth: (1) Diphtheria. Four or more properly-spaced doses of diphtheria toxoid, which may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. The fourth dose shall be administered on or after the 4th birthday. (2) Tetanus. Four or more properly-spaced doses of tetanus toxoid, which may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. The fourth dose shall be administered on or after the 4th birthday. (3) Poliomyelitis. Three or more properly spaced doses of either oral polio vaccine or enhanced activated polio vaccine, which may be administered as a single antigen vaccine, or in a combination form. If a child received any doses of inactivated polio vaccine administered prior to 1988, a fourth dose of inactivated polio vaccine is required. (4) Measles (rubeola). Two properly-spaced doses of live attenuated measles vaccine, the first dose administered at 12 months of age or older, or a history of measles immunity proved by laboratory testing by a laboratory with the appropriate certification. Each dose of measles vaccine may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (5) German measles (rubella). One dose of live attenuated rubella vaccine, administered at 12 months of age or older or a history of rubella immunity proved by laboratory testing by a laboratory with the appropriate certification. Rubella vaccine may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (6) Mumps. Two properly-spaced doses of live attenuated mumps vaccine, administered at 12 months of age or older or a physician diagnosis of mumps disease indicated by a written record signed by the physician or the physician’s designee. Mumps vaccine may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (7) Hepatitis B. Three properly-spaced doses of hepatitis B vaccine, unless a child receives a vaccine as approved by the Food and Drug Administration for a two-dose regimen, or a history of hepatitis B immunity proved by laboratory testing. Hepatitis B vaccine may be administered as single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (8) Chickenpox (varicella). One of the following: (i) Varicella vaccine. Two properly-spaced doses of varicella vaccine, the first dose administered at 12 months of age or older. Varicella vaccine may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (ii) Evidence of immunity. Evidence of immunity may be shown by one of the following: (A) Laboratory evidence of immunity or laboratory confirmation of disease. (B) A written statement of a history of chickenpox disease from a parent, guardian or physician. (c) Required for entry into 7th grade. In addition to the immunizations listed in subsection (b), the following immunizations are required at any public, private, parochial or nonpublic school in this Commonwealth, including vocational schools, intermediate unit, special education and home education programs, and cyber and charter schools as a condition of entry for students entering the 7th grade; or, in an ungraded class, for students in the school year that the student is 12 years of age: (1) Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine (TdaP). One dose if at least 5 years have elapsed since the last dose of a vaccine containing tetanus and diphtheria as required in subsection (b). TdaP may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (2) Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV). One dose of Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine. MCV may be administered as a single antigen vaccine or in a combination form. (d) Child care group setting. Attendance at a child care group setting located in a public, private or vocational school, or in an intermediate unit is conditional upon the child’s satisfaction of the immunization requirements in § 27.77 (relating to immunization requirements for children in child care group settings). (e) Prekindergarten programs, Early Intervention programs’ early childhood special education classrooms and private academic preschools. Attendance at a prekindergarten program operated by a school district, an early intervention program operated by a contractor or subcontractor including intermediate units, school districts and private vendors, or at private academic preschools is conditional upon the child’s satisfaction of the immunization requirements in § 27.77. (f) Grace period. A vaccine dose administered within the 4-day period prior to the minimum age for the vaccination or prior to the end of the minimum interval between doses shall be considered to be a valid dose of the vaccine for purposes of this chapter. A dose administered greater than 4 days prior to minimum age or interval for a dose is invalid for purposes of this regulation and shall be repeated. The provisions of this § 23.83 amended under section 1303 of the Public School Code of 1949 (24 P. S. § 13-1303); section 16(b) of the Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955 (35 P. S. § 521.16(b)); and section 2102(g) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 532(g)). The provisions of this § 23.83 amended through September 17, 1982, effective August 1, 1983, 12 Pa.B. 3288; amended August 22, 1997, effective August 23, 1997, 27 Pa.B. 4317; amended September 28, 2001, effective September 29, 2001, 31 Pa.B. 5525; amended May 28, 2010, effective August 1, 2011, 40 Pa.B. 2747. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (315784) and (287119) to (287120). This section cited in 22 Pa. Code § 405.49 (relating to immunizations); 28 Pa. Code § 23.85 (relating to responsibilities of schools and school administrators); and 28 Pa. Code § 27.77 (relating to immunization requirements for children in child care group settings). [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.83.html ]§ 23.84. Exemption from immunization.(a) Medical exemption. Children need not be immunized if a physician or the physician’s designee provides a written statement that immunization may be detrimental to the health of the child. When the physician determines that immunization is no longer detrimental to the health of the child, the child shall be immunized according to this subchapter. (b) Religious exemption. Children need not be immunized if the parent, guardian or emancipated child objects in writing to the immunization on religious grounds or on the basis of a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious belief. The provisions of this § 23.84 amended through September 17, 1982, effective August 1, 1983, 12 Pa.B. 3288; amended August 22, 1997, effective August 23, 1997, 27 Pa.B. 4317. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (164332) to (164333) and (129145). This section cited in 22 Pa. Code § 11.20 (relating to nonimmunized children); 22 Pa. Code § 51.13 (relating to immunization); 22 Pa. Code § 405.49 (relating to immunizations); 28 Pa. Code § 23.85 (relating to responsibilities of schools and school administrators); and 28 Pa. Code § 27.77 (relating to immunization requirements for children in child care group settings). [Reference: http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/028/chapter23/s23.84.html ]